A division of JJvox that caters to the INdividual. Our company is a global entity, and we appreciate the INternational component to job hunting and higher education. We encourage pursuits outside of one’s home country – not just for companies and the products they sell, but also for people and the dreams they have.
Members of our IN-vox team can help:
Job-seeking Applicants:
1.Resume/Cover Letter/CV assistance: resume writing has turned into an art, and one thing that can make you stand out from your competition is a well-crafted resume/CV. In addition to design, we offer resume writing and editing services. Cover letters are an absolute certainty, and our professionals can help you construct the essay you’ll need to get the interview!
2.Interview preparation: your application only takes you so far. Once you sell yourself to a prospective employer on paper, you need to interview for the position. We can help get you ready!
College/Graduate School Applicants:
Personal Statement: the personal statement can make or break your application. If you’re having trouble finding the words to represent yourself to the school of your dreams, then allow us to guide you through the process.
College/Graduate School Students:
Paper Editing: we won’t write your papers for you, but we can certainly edit them. Plain and simple - give us your work and we’ll refine it.
Job search and interview skills: so you’re done with school and would like to put your education to work, but need help getting started – we can do that.
Presentation editing: Have a conference or meeting to prepare for? Do you need your presentation to be spiced up a bit? Do you need it edited? Contact us to inquire about how we can make your presentation materials memorable to colleagues and potential clients!
Members of our IN-vox team can help:
Job-seeking Applicants:
1.Resume/Cover Letter/CV assistance: resume writing has turned into an art, and one thing that can make you stand out from your competition is a well-crafted resume/CV. In addition to design, we offer resume writing and editing services. Cover letters are an absolute certainty, and our professionals can help you construct the essay you’ll need to get the interview!
2.Interview preparation: your application only takes you so far. Once you sell yourself to a prospective employer on paper, you need to interview for the position. We can help get you ready!
College/Graduate School Applicants:
Personal Statement: the personal statement can make or break your application. If you’re having trouble finding the words to represent yourself to the school of your dreams, then allow us to guide you through the process.
College/Graduate School Students:
Paper Editing: we won’t write your papers for you, but we can certainly edit them. Plain and simple - give us your work and we’ll refine it.
Job search and interview skills: so you’re done with school and would like to put your education to work, but need help getting started – we can do that.
Presentation editing: Have a conference or meeting to prepare for? Do you need your presentation to be spiced up a bit? Do you need it edited? Contact us to inquire about how we can make your presentation materials memorable to colleagues and potential clients!